
Tips to Place Your Designer Rug Perfectly for Improving Your Interior Décor

Some people will purchase their carpets and designer rugs in Sydney and other places. Thereafter, they will simply place them in the spot they had identified before they went shopping. Clearly, the individuals might have expended some amount of thought before they went shopping for a new rug. However, it can be possible that the position identified for the rug might not be the best. It can be worth mentioning that your carpets and rugs can bmoe a lot more than interior décor accessories. As such, they need a proper space so that they can enliven your interior décor considerably. The design and colour of your new rug will certainly affect the look and feel of the space it rests in. But, the arrangement of the rug in a space can have an equally decisive impact on the space. For this reason, it makes sense to look for the best ways by which you can arrange your designer rugs. Alternatively, speaking to professional suppliers of rugs and carpets could help you obtain some invaluable tips in this regard too.

To use your designer rugs for improving the layout of any room, consider:

  • Using the Rugs to Act as Horizontal Partitions: When you want to partition a large room into different compartments, you will invariably think of glass wall dividers or screens. However, you do not necessarily need vertical dividers. Instead, use your rugs to define spaces. You could also use the rugs to distinguish between the different functions of two spaces in the same room. For instance, use rugs for separating the sitting area from the rest of the bedroom.
  • Combining Smaller Rugs in the Same Space: Finding wool rugs on sale in Australia hardly presents any challenge. So, you will be able to purchase rugs of different sizes. In the past, people preferred using one large rug in a small room. But, of late, interior designers have been using multiple rugs in the same room. To avoid striking a discordant note, ensure that you place rugs of different sizes in the same room. If possible, opt for rugs in different shapes too. You will also need to ensure that despite their different sizes and shapes, each of these rugs have something in common with regards to their design, style or colour. This will help in creating a visually appealing look.
  • Placing Your Rug to Create a Focal Point: If you want to draw attention to a specific part of the room, consider placing your rug in a position that renders this possible. People have traditionally places rugs horizontally in the centre of the floor for creating focal points. Ensure that the rug remains large enough to rest just beneath the front legs of your sofa. If you have a pictorial designer rug, avoid placing a coffee table on it. The picture will be sufficient to draw people’s attention.

Using Your Rug to Create the Illusion of More Space: In small spaces, the size of the rug will be even more important. Suppliers of Persian rugs on sale can help you ascertain the size of your new rug. Buy a rug of the right size, design and colour – based on the room’s interiors. Pale coloured rugs can make a room look brighter. They can also make the room seem to be more spacious. Similarly, rugs with stripes can achieve the same result. Simply place the stripes parallel to the shortest side of the room for maximum effect. Rugs that come in pastel blues, creams and greens can be ideal for making smaller spaces seem larger. Visit Sydney Art Flooring to know more.

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